Friday, November 9, 2007

Minutes; Birtday 07

spent time with mom today, got cake,chicken, asparagus, rice ,socks and sweaters
i liked the cake, chicken, asparagus and sweaters, but the rice and socks tasted funny.

though what i always enjoy most are her stories. she is seventy now, and you know how old people tell folksy, wisdom filled tales? well she doesn't, she may have some but iv'e never herd one from her. I always love it when she tells me any thing to do with her computer- she once told me she could not save documents because her printer was not working. when I told her to just save them in a folder and remember where she put them, she looked confused and said that's what she does but how could that be done without a printer?
it was then that I discovered that she only saves docs by printing them out,putting them in folders and the remembering where she put them.
I fixed the printer.

yesterday she told me about her latest traumatic run in with that printer. I won't go into details but ya know when your printer just keeps printing? now picture that happening to my mom. If you have met my mom you are now giggling.

I also spoke at length with my wonderfull Daughter, but as my only reader she likely doen't need a recap

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